Welcome to TouchscreenTest.com, the essential tool in a world dominated by touchscreen technology. Test
your device's touchscreen performance with our comprehensive grid layout.
The Grid Layout
Our platform features a detailed grid layout, where each square represents a different area of your
touchscreen. This systematic approach allows for an effective evaluation of your screen's
Taps and Drawing Precision
TouchScreenTest.com excels in detecting taps and drawing motions. Test your device's accuracy for both
simple taps and drawing movements, making it ideal for everyday use and artistic applications.
Pixel Testing and Touch Count Tracking
For in-depth touchscreen analysis, our pixel test within each grid square checks responsiveness down to
the smallest touch, ensuring precise functionality. Additionally, we track the number of touches on each
square, helping identify potential issues or areas needing calibration.
Multi-Touch Compatibility
Our tool adeptly supports multi-touch functionality, essential in today's multitasking environment. It
allows for detecting multiple points of contact, enabling you to test your device's efficiency in
handling simultaneous taps and drawings. This feature is key to evaluating the advanced capabilities of
modern touchscreens.
Full Screen LCD Color Test / Dead Pixel Detection
The Full Screen LCD Color Test seamlessly cycles through primary colors, revealing fading colors and dead
pixels on LCD screens for optimal display clarity.
TouchscreenTest.com offers a comprehensive solution for testing touchscreen performance. Equipped with
features such as grid layout testing, precise tap and draw accuracy, intuitive color feedback, dead
pixel detection, touch count tracking, draggable menu, and robust multi-touch compatibility, it's an ideal
tool for tech
enthusiasts, developers, and everyday users alike.